Friday, August 8, 2008


During a recent trip to Waxahachie, Texas my friend Grace and I came upon some beautiful handmade banners from a Masonic Lodge. While both of us are quite ignorant of the practices of these semi-secret societies we both agreed that these banners were beautiful works of art, filled with unusual images, text, and some very strange symbols. We then discussed the prospect of making banners for each other, the idea being that they could hand on the walls of our home and state something about who we are.

So I am putting out a call to my fellow artificers, to those of us who love to create beautiful objects and love the idea of exchanging said objects, to participate in what I am simply calling "The Flag Project."

The idea is very simple. Each participant will be paired with a a fellow artificer. They will design and create a flag/banner/pennant for said person and in return they will have one made for them.

To start with you must contact me and let me know you wish to participate. You must also send me your mailing address.

You will then be sent the address of your fellow flag maker. You will then collect material to send to said flag maker. What you send is up to you. It could be some random images, your favorite color or animals, a song you like, a self-portrait, a story or myth, a poem, some text, misc. ephemera, or a sketch or idea - anything that might to serve to represent you. Your flag maker will then take these materials and use them to design your flag, just as you will take their materials and design one for them.

I will fill in more details as things develop but the idea is that sometime in October (when I am back in New York) I will organize two evenings. The first will be for anyone who wants/needs help finishing and sewing their flags and the second for exchanging of flags (out-of-towners can send their flags by mail.)

So that's the idea. If you are interested please contact me as soon as possible. If you know someone who you think could make a mean flag or would be genuinely interested then pass along this information. I've also collected some images of some banners, flags, and pennants and they can be seen on this blog.



1 comment:

Kundi said...

Yeah Juney! This idea rocks I can't wait to see what people create!
